Inspiration Sounds 16

Last modified July 2, 2006

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We all have so many experiences in life and go through many changes as we develop. This week’s collection of stories represents the myriad of life’s possibilities. Sri Chinmoy depicts a wonderful selection of characters all with their unique habits and quirks. Their outer lives and the roles that they play are not as significant as their binding inner qualities. It is possible to learn that on the surface we are very different, but inside we all yearn for the same things and aspire towards the same goal. Enjoy.

The Philosopher Is Illumined By The Taxi Driver
A philosopher who teaches at a prestigious university is one day late for school and calls a taxi. What follows is a funny dialogue with the taxi driver that results in a life changing experience for the philosopher and the end to his bad habits.

The Favourite Son Inherits A Crucifix
An Illuming story about a grieving family that just goes to show the old adage that you can’t judge anything by its cover.

The Clever Poet And The Wise Poet
Two noteworthy poets entered a competition given by the village zamindar. One wrote poems that were witty and amusing while the others carried much more depth and spirit. But only one could win, and only one kept their reputation.

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