Adarsha Kelly – ‘Singing the Songs of Self-Offering’

Last modified March 13, 2006

This album by Adarsha Kelly contains 33 recordings, composed by Sri Chinmoy and sung by Adarsha.

Adarsha Kelly, from Glasgow Scotland, is an accomplished vocal performer who has sung in many Songs of the Soul concerts around the world. This is his first album where he has recorded his singing on a CD.


Notes on Album

by Kamalakanta Nieves

While thinking about writing a review for this recording, it dawned on me: I have no words to describe it!

Adarsha’s singing is something to be felt; it resonates in your entire being, until it reaches your heart’s core. Once there, it breaks open the door and moves you in your very depths. It is so beautiful!

What else can I say? His singing is beyond words. Yes, I can say he has a great, full tone, but that does not do justice to his singing. He melts my heart; he makes me feel more love for Sri Chinmoy’s songs that I ever thought I could feel. That is how good and great Adarsha’s singing is, and we hope to hear more from him in the future.

We are very, very grateful to Adarsha for this soulful offering.

Kamalakanta Nieves
February, 2006


List of tracks

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1 Comment

  1. Truly marvelous!


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