"My Japanese Heart-Garden"

Last modified March 10, 2014

Sri Chinmoy‘s love for Japan and for the Lord Buddha is unbounded. In this concert from 1992 during a huge concert that have been held in Tokyo, Sri Chinmoy sings two songs to the Lord Buddha, among others, with devotion and power.

Although he plays many musical instruments, as in his many concerts during the years, it is his singing that stands out in this recording.

Japan, Japan, Japan!
A soulful flower-garden.
Clearly you see,
Quickly you do.
Your property true.
Japan, Japan, Japan!
High Heaven’s hallowed Plan.

Some of the early visits of Sri Chinmoy in Japan:
During his lifetime Sri Chinmoy visited Japan many times to perform his Peace Concerts, participate in Masters Games, visited Buddha statue in Kamakura or meet with luminaries or sportsman.

1979 – In Sri Chinmoy presented a hundred of his spiritual books Oct. 24 1979 to Tokyo University’s Central Library, the most prestigious in Japan.
“I am so deeply honoured that you have come here personally to present me with these books,” said Dr. Shizuo Fujiwara, Chief of Library, commenting that this was the largest gift the library had ever received. “I have already read some of your works,” Dr. Fujiwara told the Master. “They have much depth and light.” He then asked Sri Chinmoy to autograph one of the books, which he did.
While visiting Japan and India in 1979, he began one of the longest-term projects ever – 10,000- poem series (Ten Thousand Flower-Flames) published in 100-poem sets.

1982 – Sri Chinmoy meditates in front of the great Buddha statue at Kamakura, Japan, on December 20, 1982. The Master was so moved by his experience there that he composed a song about the Buddha and asked his disciples to sing it, with folded hands, in front of the shrine.

Sri Chinmoy meditating at the site of the atomic bomb blast in Hiroshima.

Peace Concerts
Sri Chinmoy and his students gave a series of concerts throughout Japan in December and early January during a two and a half week spiritual holiday there. Concerts were held in Kyoto on December 19, in Tokyo on the 21st, in Naha (Okinawa) on January 4 and in Nago (Okinawa) on January 5. The Mayor of Nago greeted Sri Chinmoy at the concert in his city and presented the singers with gifts. The trip included special meditations for peace, on December 24 and 25 respectively, at the spots where the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sri Chinmoy also composed songs about both cities, which were sung by his disciples during the meditations. During the trip, the Master wrote 1,500 poems for his “Ten Thousand Flower-Flames” series, composed 25 songs, dictated 12 short stories and held 100 meditation sessions for his students.

1982 Kiyoshi Nakamura

Guru of Running meets Running Guru in Tokyo
Japan’s revered Guru of running, Kiyoshi Nakamura, met with America’s running Guru on December 21, and the two found they had a lot in common. The 67-year-old Japanese coach, whose running philosophy has influenced a whole generation of Japanese athletes, including his most famous student -Boston Marathon winner Toshihiko Seko – has transformed running into a spiritual discipline. “Our aim is to combine the body and the spirit,” he told Sri Chinmoy. “I tell my runners before the start of each race, ‘Remember, do your best and give the result to God’s Hand.’ ” Sri Chinmoy encourages his students to express their spirituality, among other ways, through running and is also a runner himself. Nakamura and Sri Chinmoy met in Tokyo’s Jingu Gaien Park. During the meeting, the Sri Chinmoy singers sang a song to Nakamura which the Master u had written in the Japanese coach’s honour. They discussed their respective running philosophies, and Nakamura expressed surprise that Sri Chinmoy’s spiritual philosophy, as practised in America, was as strict as his own. “The idea that this very philosophy is being practised in New York is truly awesome,” Nakamura told Sri Chinmoy. “It comes down to the fact that the world is very small.”
Sri Chinmoy said: “It is because you have a beautiful flower inside yourself that you are able to see and feel the flower in others.” Deeply moved by his meeting with Sri Chinmoy, Nakamura came by the spiritual teacher’s hotel the following day bringing gifts to Sri Chinmoy and his students. “It is most fortunate for the world that there is someone like Sri Chinmoy here,” he declared.

1985 DecToshihiko Seko Tokyo
Meeting with marathon runner Toshihiko Seko in Tokyo (December 1985).

1985 – 1986
During his visit to Japan, Guru was invited to a special tea ceremony by the head priest, The Roshi, at Kamakura- site of the great Buddha statue on September 21. That evening Japan’s well-known marathoner, Seko, visited Sri Chinmoy at his hotel. Two days earlier, Sri Chinmoy had visited Seko’s coach, Nakamura, who was in the hospital.

1985 Tokyo Peace Concert, Musashino Kaikan DEC 15
Tokyo Peace Concert in Musashino Kaikan on December 15th.

1985 – 1986
Eight Peace Concerts in Japan
Sri Chinmoy completed a major peace concert tour that brought him to several Japanese cities. Tokyo was the site of two of the concerts, on Dec. 16 and 19. Performances in Kamakura on Dec. 18 and in Beppu on Dec. 27 concluded the Master’s 1985 peace concert series. Altogether, he gave 29 peace concerts during the year.

1986-01-00 Japan Hirishima AP Ramanija 1
Concert in Hiroshima on January 5th 1986.

The theme for the 1986 peace concert series is “Peace: God’s Dream- Reality’s Oneness-Boat, Fullness-Shore.” The first concert of the year was held on Jan. 3 in Fukuyama, followed by performances in Hiroshima on Jan. 5, in Kyoto on Jan. 8 and in Nagoya on Jan. 11. The Jan. 5 Hiroshima concert was preceded by a special meditation and peace ceremony in the city’s Peace Memorial Park, followed by a peace walk to the concert hall.

1986 Japan hirosima 1996 Peace Procession through the Hirishima Peace Park Jan 5
Meditation at peace memorial and Peace Procession through the Hiroshima Peace Park om January 5th 1986.

Meeting with key business in Kyoto
Sri Chinmoy was guest of honour Jan. 12 at a reception held for Akishige Matsumoto, head of the Japan Republic Association. Afterwards the Japanese industrialist wrote the Master: “A mystical aura of Compassion and Love surrounded your entire being.” He went on to say: “There has not been anything that has been more inspiring in the 72 years of my life than having been given such a friend as you from my Lord here on earth.”

1986 Tokuma Utsunomiya 1 1986 Tokuma Utsunomiya

Tokuma Utsunomiya, a member of Japan’s House of Councillors and National Diet, and one of the country’s most prominent spokesmen for peace, met with Sri Chinrnoy in Tokyo on Dec. 20 for discussions on world peace.

1986 Narotoma-Pratinidi-Matsumoto 2 1986 Narotoma-Pratinidi-Matsumoto 1
Japanese industrialist Matsumoto and Sri Chinmoy meditates in Kyoto.

1986 1986 a

During his eight-day Japanese peace tour, Sri Chinmoy offered a series of musical and meditative events. The whirlwind visit began Sept. 23 in Tokyo, where he gave two peace concerts. A peace concert in Kamakura, at the foot of the great Buddha, was held the following day. It was the first time Japanese authorities permitted a musical performance to be held at this sacred spot. The Roshi, or head priest, of the Temple of the Great Buddha at Kamakura attended the concert. On Sept. 25 Sri Chinmoy gave a special meditation at Nagasaki’s Peace Memorial Park, followed by a peace concert later that day.
The following day the Master held a meditation at the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima and also gave a peace concert in the city. The Japanese trip ended in Kyoto, with a peace concert on Sept. 27. The following evening, Japanese industrialist Akishige Matsumoto, head of the Japan Republic Association, hosted a special farewell banquet for the Master and his students.

1992a 1992 2
Concert for 12,000 seekers in Tokyo in 1992.

Huge concert held in Tokyo
Some 12,000 Japanese listened in rapt attention as Sri Chinmoy gave a major peace concert March 10 at Tokyo’s Nippon Budokan where hwe played 16 instruments and performed song Japan. The concert was dedicated to former Soviet President Gorbachev. Afterwards, some 3,000 seekers slowly filed past the Master for darshan, his silent blessing.

L.Tokoda guverner Nagasaki Kuzaki Furui deputy mayor Nagasaki
Meetings with L.Tokoda, guverner of Nagasaki and Kuzaki Furui deputy mayor of Nagasaki.

During this visit to Japan, Sri Chinmoy also visited the great Buddha shrine at Kamakura on March 9, meeting and meditating with the head priest and planting a peace tree. In addition, he gave a lecture at the International Relations Center in Kyoto and dedicated a peace tree at Hana-Haku (Flower Expo) Park in Osaka, both on March 13.

1993 Miyazaki Masters Games 1993 Miyazaki Masters Games 2

At the age of 62 he still officially took part in the World Veteran’s Championship in Miyazaki, Southern Japan, October 1993. Participating in opening ceremony Sri Chinmoy marched past within the U.S. delegation and he run 100 meter sprint (15.34 electronic timing). His race number was 79 and he ran in lane 6, using starting blocks. There were 8 participants in Sri Chinmoy’s heat and he placed 4th. There were 103 competitors altogether in the 60-64 age category.

1993 peace concert 1993 JK interview
Peace Concert in 1993 and TV interview in Jharna-Kala exhibit.

Between 12 to 15 to  October 1993 Sri Chinmoy offered four Peace Concerts at the Medical Association Hall in Miyazaki, Japan. He dedicated the concert (14th) to Leonard Bernstein on the third anniversary of his passing:

“Today’s Peace Concert I am most lovingly and most gratefully dedicating to the immortal emperor-musician-conductor Leonard Bernstein, the third anniversary of whose passing takes place today. On two occasions he showered his blessings, compassion and encouragement upon me and my talented singers. His heart of compassion and love, encouragement, warmth and oneness my students and I shall forever cherish in the very depth of our gratitude-heart.”


Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: My Japanese Heart-Garden
Release year: 1992 (MC)
Duration: 1:02:35
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Page Created: Ashish Zubaty / Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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