Sri Chinmoy Students’ Performances, 2010. Part 1

Last modified August 5, 2010

Dear listeners,

In this feature we offer you a random selection of performances by Sri Chinmoy’s students from the first six months of 2010, most of them at Aspiration-Ground in New York.

From Satyajit’s epic offering from March 6, 2010 (52 minutes) to Maral’s humble performances with the flute, the variety and splendor of these musical performances is wide and far-ranging. We also welcome a new voice, Jagadhata, to these pages. His performances with Moni (Seattle) are treasured by all.

Sri Chinmoy’s love for humanity took many forms and manifestations. From his prayers and meditations he received the inner treasure which he strived to share with aspiring humanity. Through his writings, his music, his art, his sport activities, and the various worldwide initiatives he founded, Sri Chinmoy sought to bring people together in a spirit of love and oneness, based on the feeling that humanity is one world-family; that we are all brothers and sisters.

We hope these musical offerings inspire you as much as they inspire us, and that they may help us reach new heights and depths in the ever-transcending inner journey that we must all travel on our way to perfection.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2000
Duration: 1:06:00
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Photo credit: Kedar Misani


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