“Nimeshe” CD by Infinity’s Sky

Last modified November 8, 2023

Nimeshe is a new CD by the British female ensemble group, Infinity’s Sky. It offers peaceful and soulful interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s music on thirteen different tracks.

Dear listeners, it is with great joy and pride that we bring you “Nimeshe”, a new CD by the British female ensemble, Infinity’s Sky.

This wonderful ensemble of students of Sri Chinmoy create a heavenly atmosphere and feeling with their beautiful interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s melodies. The peace and beauty manifested are palpable throughout their music. It is this mutual feeling of love and oneness with the Divine qualities of Peace, Light and Beauty that unites the Master and the disciple.

In this fertile, creative ground of divine qualities, the student blossoms. And in this blossoming there is something that can serve humanity’s inner cry for Peace and Beauty.

Artists are servants of humanity. They are also messengers from the Highest. Just as a beautiful flower reminds us of the inner worlds of beauty it came from, in the same way a blossomed seeker of the Highest Truth, touched by the Light and Rain of Compassion from above, reminds us of our true nature and essence as children of that Infinite Peace, Light and Bliss we come from, that Ocean of Consciousness.

We are very grateful to Infinity’s Sky for this wonderful manifestation of Beauty and Peace.

Question: Can music and aspiration co-exist?

Sri Chinmoy: Music and aspiration can and do exist together. Of course, here we are talking only about spiritual music. Spiritual music is the illumining and fulfilling language of the universal soul. Aspiration is the inner cry; music is the outer smile. When we sow the seed of inner cry, we reap the fruit of outer smile. Soulful music and soulful aspiration are not only true friends but eternal friends. Music spreads the height of aspiration; aspiration increases the length of music.

Sri Chinmoy, Aspiration-Tree, Aum Publications, 1976

Question: I should like an elaboration on the link between music and spirituality as you see it.

Sri Chinmoy: Music and spirituality go together. God Himself is the Supreme Musician and each human being is a note in His cosmic Game. God is playing His cosmic Role in mankind through music. Through His music, God is offering to His children the message of unity in multiplicity and also the message of multiplicity in unity. When we play soulful music, we elevate our consciousness most rapidly. Soulful music is a form of aspiration, a form of meditation. But if we play undivine music, then it destroys our aspiring consciousness. All those who are seekers of the infinite Truth will naturally play soulful music; and when they play soulful music, they have to know that they are consciously running towards their destined goal.

Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy speaks, part 5, Agni Press, 1976

Question: What is the best way to become one with soulful music?

Sri Chinmoy: The best way to become one with soulful music is to breathe in and breathe out with the firm inner conviction that while you are breathing in, the breath is immediately entering directly into your soul, and with the breath the universal Consciousness, divine Reality, divine Truth is also entering. When you breathe out, try to feel that you are breathing out the veils that are around your soul. Feel that they are lifted and discarded. If you can consciously imagine and feel this, it is the best way to become one with soulful music.

What do we mean by soulful music? If you say it is the music that embodies the soul, then I wish to say that it is incorrect. You have to feel that soulful music is the Light that wants to express itself in a divine way. Even as darkness wants to manifest its authority on earth, Light also wants to manifest its Reality and Divinity in a specific way. Light is the soul of everything. Light is the soul of music, Light is the soul of love and Light is the soul of all art. When Light manifests itself in a divine way in the form of music, it is the music of the soul.

Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse, New York, 1970


Music is inspiration, soulful inspiration. It inspires the human in us. Music is manifestation, fruitful manifestation. It manifests the divine in us. Music is satisfaction, supreme satisfaction. It satisfies the Pilot Supreme in us.The human musician plays in order to become great. The divine musician becomes good first and then plays divinely, while soulfully and unconditionally offering the results to his Beloved Supreme. The Supreme Musician does not play in order to become great, and He does not have to become good in order to play. For the Supreme Musician embodies at once the universal sound-music and the transcendental Silence-Music.

God the Supreme Music feeds the aspiration-heart of the seeker-musician. God the Supreme Musician illumines the dedication-life of the seeker-musician.

The soulful prayer and the music world of a seeker-musician are the same thing. His soulful music is his soulful prayer, and his fruitful meditation is another name for his fruitful music.

The music of the unaspiring musician and God’s Compassion-Flood are inseparable. The music of the aspiring and surrendered seeker-musician and God’s Satisfaction-Delight are always interchangeable.

3 October, 8:00 p.m., University of California, Los Angeles, California

Artist: Infinity’s Sky
Name: Nimeshe
Release year: 2023
Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes
Page created: Kamalakanta Nieves | Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

List of tracks

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