Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi Anniversary, Oct. 11, 2009

Last modified November 30, 2010

On Oct. 11, 2009, Sri Chinmoy students from all over the world gathered in New York to celebrate the second Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi.

Sharing moments of deep soulfulness and devotion, Sri Chinmoy’s students had long sessions of silent meditation, as well as some musical performances from singing and instrumental groups from various Sri Chinmoy meditation centres.

We bring you here a few musical performances from these special moments.

We thank you for listening to these soulful musical and spiritual offerings, and hope that you find this music to be uplifting and inspirational.

Artist: Students of Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2009
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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