In this recording, Sri Chinmoy offers us twenty nine melodies played on different types of flute. These are Sri Chinmoy’s original compositions.
The Life-River – Flute Music by Sri Chinmoy
Last modified March 26, 2014

Within the many myriad musical offerings by Sri Chinmoy, the flute recordings perhaps have the most universal appeal. In every culture it seems someone has invented some kind of flute, and during his musical career, Sri Chinmoy experimented on a huge range of different flutes from around the world.
“Music is the inner or universal language of God. I do not know French or German or Italian, but if music is played, immediately the heart of the music enters into my heart, or my heart enters into the music. At that time, we don’t need outer communication; the inner communion of the heart is enough. My heart is communing with the heart of the music and in our communion we become inseparably one.”
Sri Chinmoy [ref]
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Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: The Life River
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release year:
Duration: 25:46
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Nossa você é perfeito, que musica incrivel!!!!!
Muito obrigada me ajuda muito para dormir bem . Gratidão
Muito bom para a paz interior e restaurar as energias do corpo e mente.
Excelente trabalho, muito agradecido por liberar os dowloads, muitas paz e luz para todos envolvidos nesse trabalho! Gratidão!
Enlightening music!
Thank you Sri Chinmoy and followers. Your teachings and art have great value.
Very good!
Gostaria de baixar música.
Gostei demais, acalma a alma e da paz ao coração.
Excelente trabalho (Nice Work)
Gostaria de baixar músicas.
Obrigada mesmo, é o que eu precisava. Muito bom.
Pleaae, how can I download these musics? I noticed that other people didn’t get too. Something in this page is wrong. Thank you very much.
ohh its very simple.. click on the download/embed button you wil get that option to download. And if u r using chrome like me it will directly download with the site name in MP4 file. I really hope this works..
Gratidão pela melodia que toca o nosso coração.
Thank You from bottom of my heart
muito boa bastante relaxante
Como faz para baixar?
Gratidão pela oportunidade
lindas musicas para meditar, obrigada por compartir.
thanks. excellent music.
Thank you for the beautiful meditation music! Many Blessings
É bem calma e gostosa de se ouvir!
Olá não consigo baixar
A música
Beautiful music. Take me to my deep being.
Ola, não consegui baixar as músicas. Podem me ajudar???
Plz send me meditation music.
Muito obrigado pelas musicas!!
please mail me the meditation music
Hi, all. You should be able to download the music right from this site. With gratitude, Kamalakanta
can you send me the this wonderful music?
Here is the link to download the music.
paste the link in IDM.
pls send me this Maditation music. . I can’t download it. . pls send me..
pls send me dis music
Preciso de umas músicas para meditação. Não consigo baixar. Grata.
please send me this meditation music.
i want the meditation music. pls send me …………………….
Thank you.
please mail me the meditation music.
Excelente meditação para todas as idades
I want the meditation music . plz … i am unable to download it. plz send me.