“Ami Hate Chahi” — Pavel & Friends

Last modified July 28, 2009

Dear listeners, it is with great joy and pride that we present you with this wonderful collection of arrangements of Sri Chinmoy‘s melodies, “Ami Hate Chahi”, arranged and performed by Pavel and friends.

This music is inspired; it is music of high poetic and artistic quality. It has all the qualities that we look for in performances and arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s melodies: softness, sweetness, soulfulness, confidence, perfection and oneness.

The arrangements are inventive and graceful, and even playful at times. The recording is impeccable, and the overall balance is exquisite. The vocals are pleasant to the ear; very well recorded as well.

I am sure you will all enjoy this music as much as we have.

We are grateful to Pavel and friends for this soulful contribution.

Artist: Pavel and Friends
Release year: 2007
Duration: 1:00:38
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy, Pavel and Friends
Format: Advanced Audio Coding





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