Inspiration Sounds 9

Last modified April 5, 2006

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I was thinking this week about the importance of silence and the role it plays in our lives. I guess it is a funny topic for Inspiration Sounds, given that this is a radio show, but consider this: we began our lives in silence. In our daily activities silence flows under our steps and once we have journeyed full circle we shall return into silence. Silence is the central theme of this week’s episode. Once again I have two guests to help me with the stories.

Silence Liberates
Kanan Roberts dramatises a simple and sweet story about a pious man living in Bengal India.Everyday he conducted himself in spiritual practices including teachings from a Sanskrit scholar. However, it is the man’s bird who, from the confines of its cage, teaches his master the secret of liberation.

Emptying the Sea
An illumining story told by Sanjaya Spettigue about the undeniable virtue of patience. It concerns two partridges, the sea, a flock of small birds, and the divine bird Garuda. Finally the Cosmic God, Lord Vishnu, is called upon to resolve the situation and restore happiness.

Silence Forgives, Silence Awakens, Silence Illumines
Set in a stationery store, a young man is confronted by a customer named Hanuman whose face resembles that of a tiger. Accused and verbally abused, the compassionate young man’s inner poise is tested to the limits. He must summon his heart of love and forgiveness to the fore from behind the shop counter.

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