Live meditation music – October 2019, part 1

Last modified October 14, 2019

This is a collection of live meditative music recorded during a recent week-long anniversary in New York. In this recording, there are eight different groups offering their interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s music and performing a total of over 100 minutes of music.

The occasion for the live recordings was to observe Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadi (physical passing) on 11 October 2007. During this week,  Sri Chinmoy students from all over the world gather in New York to observe this anniversary with music, meditation, public concerts and public running races. The recordings are all live, and the audio reflects this nature. Occasionally the sound of New York city life intrudes with a faint siren in the background, but, while not perfect from a technical perspective, they capture an aspect of the meditative nature of the evenings.

Sri Chinmoy composed more than 20,000 songs in his lifetime. Of these, 13,000 are in Bengali and 7,000 in English. His students delight in singing and/or playing these lofty compositions. They have a beautiful energy that is able to uplift the listener in an atmosphere of peace, light and divine love.

See also:


Caller: I would like to ask the Guru what kind of mental attitude one should have in learning to play music.

Sri Chinmoy: “There is something called mental music, something called vital music and something called physical music. But again, there is something called psychic music. If one wants to get true delight from the heart and from the aspiring life, then he must dedicate his music to God. He must play soulful, psychic music — music that will inspire his own life of aspiration and inspire others who hear his music — not music that will excite the vital and arouse the physical consciousness.”


Question: Can music transform our consciousness?

Sri Chinmoy: “Definitely music can transform our consciousness, provided it is soulful, devotional music and not the music that produces vital stimulation. That kind of music can never transform our consciousness. There is a type of music that is all inner illumination and outer progress. This music is spiritual, devotional and self-giving. It can awaken us from deep ignorance-sleep.”

Question: I should like an elaboration on the link between music and spirituality as you see it.

Sri Chinmoy: “Music and spirituality go together. God Himself is the Supreme Musician and each human being is a note in His cosmic Game. God is playing His cosmic Role in mankind through music. Through His music, God is offering to His children the message of unity in multiplicity and also the message of multiplicity in unity. When we play soulful music, we elevate our consciousness most rapidly. Soulful music is a form of aspiration, a form of meditation. But if we play undivine music, then it destroys our aspiring consciousness. All those who are seekers of the infinite Truth will naturally play soulful music; and when they play soulful music, they have to know that they are consciously running towards their destined goal.”

Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy speaks, part 5, Agni Press, 1976

We hope that these soulful performances of Sri Chinmoy’s devotional songs will have an inspiring and transformative effect on your life, as it does on ours.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: Sri Chinmoy Mahasamadhi Observance 2019
Release Year: 2019
Duration: 2hrs. 11 mins.
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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