Meditative music from Mahasamadhi Anniversary

Last modified January 24, 2018

Seven soulful and meditative performances by students of Sri Chinmoy performing live, October 11 2017, on the 10th anniversary of their teacher’s passing. The day was marked by 24 continuous hours of meditation, which included a 15-minute music performance every hour.

These recordings are excerpted from those performances.


Dear listeners, it is with great joy that we bring you these soulful and beautiful performances by Sri Chinmoy’s students from the observance of the 10th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi (11 October 2007). Mahasamadhi is the term given to the date when a spiritual Master leaves the body. It is a significant date for students of Sri Chinmoy as it marks his physical departure from earth, but at the same time it is an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate his very present musical spirit.

I have no words to describe the scope of the soulfulness and beauty of these performances; they speak for themselves!

We hope you enjoy these soulful offerings by Students of Sri Chinmoy. They are very conducive to meditation!

Kamalakanta Nieves


Artist: Sri Chinmoy Students
Title: “Meditative Music from Mahasamadhi Anniversary 2017, Part 2 | Part 1 2017
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2017
Duration: 1:53:12
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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