Prayerfully I Take Shelter: Sri Chinmoy’s songs sung by Sharanagata Hammerl

Last modified December 12, 2015

Sharanagata Hammerl delights us with his soulful singing of Sri Chinmoy’s melodies.

From the CD notes:

” All songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy, sung by Sharanagata Hammerl, arranged by Parichayaka and performed by all members of the family. Recorded over five years, this CD was completed on the occasion of Sharanagata’s 80th birthday in June 2012.

All gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for these immortal songs, the inspiration we receive from singing and performing them, and for the boundless inner and outer blessings we received – individually and as a family – and continue to grow from, in this precious lifetime.”

– Sharanagata, Behala, Ghantika, Chahida, Parichayaka and Ankurika.

Artist: Sharanagata and Family
Name: “Prayerfully I Take Shelter” Songs by Sri Chinmoy, sung by Sharanagata Hammerl
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2012
Duration: 35 minutes
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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