Sri Chinmoy’s 13,000th Bengali Song

Last modified May 7, 2007

On January 11, 2007, an international choir of Sri Chinmoy’s students performed the song “Shakpura”, Sri Chinmoy’s 13,000th Bengali song, led by Prachar Stegemann of Australia. Shakpura is the village in East Bengal, where Sri Chinmoy was born and spent his early childhood.

Since arriving in America in 1964, Sri Chinmoy has written over 13,000 Bengali songs and almost 7,000 English songs. The great majority of these songs are of a devotional nature.

Music is the universal language. It unites us all in our common humanity. We hope you enjoy these performances.

Kamalakanta Nieves
April 2007

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2007
Duration: 20 minutes
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy Centre
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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