Schubert’s ‘Ave Maria’ – sung and played by Sri Chinmoy

Last modified September 18, 2017

Sri Chinmoy sings Ave Maria during one of his Peace Concerts in Albany, New York during June 1992. It was part of a seven-concert programme on the East Coast of America, entitled “Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth.”

In this recording, Sri Chinmoy sings this classic composition of Schubert in a moving and soulful performance. The melody was originally composed by Schubert in 1825.

At various times, Sri Chinmoy remarked on the unearthly beauty of this particular song, expressing his belief that soulful music is a real miracle.

“There are so many miracles performed on earth that we do not take into account; we do not value them. But if we do value them, we are wonderstruck that one individual has been able to accomplish what millions and millions of human beings could not do.

Let us take Schubert. His immortal song Ave Maria comes from another world. Now millions and millions of people around the world sing that song. For me, it is a true miracle.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

The second recording is an esraj performance of Ave Maria by Sri Chinmoy.

The words are the Latin Catholic prayer version.

Words of the song

Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena,
Ave, Ave, Dominus,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus,
Et benedictus fructus ventris (tui),
Ventris tui, Jesus.
Ave Maria!

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  1. Excellent song by Sri Chinmoy

  2. Excellent song


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