Conversation-Hearts 1: Jogyata Dallas

Last modified January 9, 2008

In this new podcast for Radio Sri Chinmoy, Jogyata Dallas talks about his childhood in New Zealand.

Surrounded by nature, his early life had a beautiful openness and a sense of adventure. Mountains and rivers colored his consciousness, and to this day he enjoys going for a trail run or a mountain hike.

Jogyata is a natural story teller. In this episode he spins a tale about his piano lessons and how an earthquake made him more admirable in his piano teacher’s eyes!

Jogyata has ben studying meditation with Sri Chinmoy over 30 years. As a member of the New Zealand Sri Chinmoy Centre, Jogyata is involved in myriad activities. Indeed, he seems ever young, with his ebullience and dynamism!

As you can see through his photo gallery, his blogs, or his essays on meditation, Jogyata’s spirit is as expansive as the landscapes of his childhood: truly limitless and full of life’s mirth and joy.

We hope you enjoy this new podcast for Radio Sri Chinmoy . Thanks for listening!

Artist: Jogyata Dallas
Release year: 2007
Duration: 4:36
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy, Jogyata Dallas
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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