“Infinity’s Dream” – Mountain Silence

Last modified January 14, 2017

A live recording of Mountain Silence from Heidelberg in 1984. The recording captures the clarity and soulfulness of the voices and instrumental accompaniments. Originally published as an audio tape, we are now able to release in digital format.

Over the past three decades, Mountain-Silence have frequently toured venues across Europe, offering free concerts of spiritual music composed by Sri Chinmoy. This is one of their earliest recordings and includes some classic tracks from Sri Chinmoy’s considerable collection of song compositions. In the recording we can feel Mountain Silence live this music as they offer it to the world at large.

The title of the album and a song on the recording is Ar Sab Jai Jak. The translation of the Bengali lyrics are:

Let everything else go,
Let everything else go.
Always hold fast to Truth
For your very existence-life.

Ar Sab Jai Jak (Sri Chinmoy Songs)

Artist: Mountain Silence
Name: Infinity’s Dream
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 1984 (MC)
Duration: 0:51:52
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy, Mountain-Silence
Tracks uploaded: Ashish  | Tejvan
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

Mountain Silence in a recent performance

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