Journey Beyond Within

Last modified July 10, 2012

This recording has been produced to offer an audio aid to meditation and contemplation. The recording features sounds and music conducive to creating a calm and relaxing environment. Over the top of background music, Sri Chinmoy recites inspirational words and imagery related to the process of meditation and the inner seeking.

If you are looking for a guided meditation, this recording may help you to go deeper within and find that core of peace within yourself.

Extract from Recording:

I go out
To feed my curiosity-mind
And curiosity-eyes.
I come in
To feed my divinity-soul
And purity-heart.

Sri Chinmoy, I Go Out, I Come In, Agni Press, 1997.
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: Journey Beyond Within
Release year: 2000
Duration: 00:44:55
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Page Created: Ashish Zubaty / Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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1 Comment

  1. I like this side very much. I am a disciple from Austria Graz but I can´t come this summer to the functions in New York so I use the websides to get Feeling for New York Aspiration Ground.


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