Meditative songs to sing along with

Last modified October 1, 2020

This is a recording of seven meditative songs composed by Sri Chinmoy. They were performed by Bulgarian disciples of Sri Chinmoy on 23 August 2020, led by Hristo from Sofia. The recording was made with the idea of creating music that would be good for people to join in with.

Sri Chinmoy says singing can be an excellent form of meditation and often the best way to learn songs is not read sheet music, but listen and join in with others.

The songs and lyrics are recorded below

1. I came to Your Lotus Feet

I came to Your Lotus Feet,
My Lord, with a hopeless hope-heart
To be forgiven.

2. I like your sweet requests

I like your sweet requests, but I love your thunder commands.

3. Chalo chalo

Chalo chalo chalo chalo
Kathati na kabhu balo
Sudur desher udar madhur
Sangit suru halo
Jyoti saranir shankha
Nashibe malin panka
Param kanti charam shanti
Phule phale dekha dilo
Rupantarer dak shune aj
Dyulok bhulok abhinna haye gelo

4. Mandire

Mandire mandire
Mandire chalo sadhak sadhika antara mandire
Mandire mandire
Sethai heribo parameshwari amader jananire
Mandire mandire

5. Chalbo ami

Chalbo ami parama pita tomari sathe
Samarpaner giti geye dibasa rate


O my Beloved Father Supreme,
Singing the song of my constant self-offering,
All day and night
I shall walk along with You.

6. Speak, silence, speak.

Speak, silence, speak.
Teach me how to seek.
Stop, sound, stop!
You are soulless,
You are fruitless,
You are weaker,
You are poorer
Than a tiny drop.

7. Sweet, sweeter, sweetest

Sweet, sweeter, sweetest;
Pure, purer, purest
Are gratitude-tears.

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