Meditation music from Sri Chinmoy’s students 2018 (updated)

Last modified December 20, 2018

This compilation of new music from Sri Chinmoy’s students offers a selection from albums published in 2018. In total, there are 23 tracks from twelve different albums, which gives a glimpse into the different arrangements and interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s musical compositions.

It includes – a powerful solo acapella singing performance by Adarsha (on Oneness Dream) to more dynamic instrumental recordings from groups like Dinesh’s group, and the ethereal music of Heart-Garden-Birds.

We hope you enjoy this selection of recordings and find new music to enjoy!

Lyrics from track 14  – You Tell Me

You tell me that you do not want
To fall any more.
You want to rise, only rise.
I tell you the secret of secrets:
This moment cry like a child,
Next moment smile like a child.
This is the way you can rise and rise
At every moment.

– Sri Chinmoy, from Impossibility Bows, Sri Chinmoy Songs

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Ashish Zubaty / Tejvan Pettinger

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